• 1.1 - SATA IMAGINE is the frequent flyer program of the SATA Group companies that allows its members to obtain miles and exchange them for services and other benefits in accordance with the terms of the present regulation.
  • 1.2 - “SATA Group” includes SATA Air Açores and Azores Airlines companies.
  • 1.3 - The “Organizing Companies” are SATA Air Açores and Azores Airlines.
  • 1.4 - “Associated Companies” are those participating in SATA IMAGINE by offering either miles or awards to their Members.
  • 1.5 - “Status Miles” are miles awarded by flying on airlines that are part of the SATA Group. These miles may count in terms of raising the card’s category.
    • 1.5.1 - Counting for card category upgrade is possible by collecting status miles or status sectors/trips (SATA Group flights) over the last 24 months. Counting status miles and counting status trips are independent and not correlated to each other.     
      For more information, contact SATA IMAGINE at
  • 1.6 – “Bonus Miles” are miles awarded in all other ways, namely via services supplied by partner companies, promotions, and purchase of miles in exchange for payment of a published rate, among other possibilities.
  • 1.7 – “Award Miles” is the total miles available for use as awards.
  • 1.8 - “Member” means a customer of the SATA Group who has successfully joined SATA IMAGINE.
  • 1.9 - "Companion" is considered the passenger who takes the same flights or obtains awards, tickets, upgrades, vouchers, etc., that Bluesky | KIDS Bluesky, Silversky | KIDS Silversky or Goldsky | KIDS Goldsky members provide with their miles.
  • 1.9.1 - The exemption or application of regulated fees to the Companion(s) related to awards, changes, cancellations, or refunds will apply according to his/her category/card type (Bluesky | KIDS Bluesky, Silversky | KIDS Silversky or Goldsky | KIDS Goldsky), except when he/she travels on the same flights as the Goldsky | KIDS Goldsky Member, who purchased the award for the Companion with his/her miles. In the latter case, the rules to be applied (changes, cancellations, or refunds) are the same for Goldsky | KIDS Goldsky Members. See Table A of this regulation.
  • 1.10 - The Terms and General Conditions defined herein consist of the SATA IMAGINE Regulation and they are subject to changes. The most recent version of the Terms and General Conditions can be found in the Internet at, which may be sent delivered either by post or by fax at the Members’ request through the SATA IMAGINE Help Centre ( Members cannot use any written statements or other sources of information that may be out of date.
  • 1.11 - The Terms and General Conditions of SATA IMAGINE are also been published in English; however, for purposes of interpretation, only the Portuguese version is binding.
  • 1.12 - The Organizing Companies can change the SATA IMAGINE Regulation at any time and without prior notice. Any new rules and/or changes whatsoever to those respectively in force shall be binding to all Members from the time these are made available on the Internet.

  • 2.1 - Membership of SATA IMAGINE establishes the beginning of a contractual relationship with the Organizing Companies. It is governed by the present General Terms and Conditions defining the rights and obligations associated with participation in SATA IMAGINE.
  • 2.2 - All individuals who are at least 2 years old residing in any country can join SATA IMAGINE as long as there is no local legislation stating otherwise.
  • 2.3 - Groups, associations, legal entities, or multiple participation entities are not permitted to join SATA IMAGINE.
  • 2.4 - Individuals wanting to join SATA IMAGINE will have to complete fully and submit the membership application form for this frequent flyer program made available upon contact with SATA offices or at, with the digital form, and declare that they accept the Regulation and other SATA IMAGINE operating rules.
    • 2.4.1 - For registration as a SATA IMAGINE member, it is mandatory to provide a valid and exclusive e-mail address per member.
  • 2.5 - The Organizing Companies reserve the right to decide on the admission of SATA IMAGINE Members.
  • 2.6 – Customers who successfully complete online membership automatically obtain their identification number and are considered to be SATA IMAGINE members. Those who choose to join SATA IMAGINE in stores or contact center will be provided the identification number and are considered SATA IMAGINE members, which will allow the accumulation of status miles in their customer account. The use of awards and benefits of SATA IMAGINE is only permitted after all of the customer's data has been registered in the frequent flyer program database, although the trips made in the last 12 months may be credited.
  • 2.7 - The Organizing Companies may exclude a SATA IMAGINE Member if he/she:
    • 2.7.1 - Does not act in accordance with the present Regulation, the General Conditions or other rules directing the SATA IMAGINE operation;
    • 2.7.2 - Makes false statements;
    • 2.7.3 – Attempts to obtain benefits and awards by submitting false, improper or exaggerated information;
    • 2.7.4 - Behaves in a disorderly manner when either on board or on the premises of one of the Organizing Companies or Associated Companies as well as insult, defame or treat in a rude manner any employee or collaborator of the referred Companies, by any means of communication;
    • 2.7.5 - Does not act in accordance with the provisions of the transportation contract that is signed with any airline company of the SATA Group.
  • 2.8 - Membership status will be forfeited automatically if the SATA IMAGINE activity ceases to exist;
  • 2.9 - Members wanting to cancel his subscription of SATA IMAGINE must deliver their request in writing, by letter, fax or e-mail indicating their intention, which will take effect from the date of receipt by the Organizing Companies.
    • 2.9.1 All SATA IMAGINE Membership cards must be returned after the Membership status ceased.
  • 2.10 - Termination of Membership status entails the cancellation of all accumulated miles up to that date.

  • 3.1 - The SATA IMAGINE Bluesky | KIDS Bluesky Membership card will be dispatched to all members admitted by the Organizing Companies.
  • 3.2 – Bluesky | KIDS Bluesky, SilverSky | KIDS Silversky and Goldsky cards are only available in digital format and can be printed or downloaded in your personal member area at
    • 3.2.1 – Bluesky | KIDS Bluesky, Silversky | KIDS Silversky, Goldsky | KIDS Goldsky cards are personal and not transferable.
  • 3.3 – All Bluesky | KIDS Bluesky Members who accumulate 25.000 status miles or complete 80 flights in their personal SATA IMAGINE Member account in the course of two years, will be supplied the Silversky | KIDS Silversky card.
  • 3.4 – Members with the Silversky | KIDS Silversky card who earn, over two years, 40,000 status miles or complete 120 trips in their SATA IMAGINE account will be awarded the Goldsky | KIDS Goldsky card.
  • 3.5 – All SATA IMAGINE Membership cards remain property of the Organizing Companies and must be returned after the Membership status ceased.
  • 3.6 - Silversky | KIDS Silversky and Goldsky | KIDS Goldsky Members who have not registered any activity, on a flight operated by SATA Group, during a period of 12 months, SATA Imagine will proceed with the downgrade of the card category. Activities with an award ticket are excluded.

  • 4.1 – Awards and benefits offered under the SATA IMAGINE program consist, among others that are or will be defined by the Organizing Companies, in upgrades with miles, Cash&Miles or award tickets, valid only for flights on SATA Air Açores and Azores Airlines’ regular flights. These awards may also be valid for SATA IMAGINE partner airlines on a "last minute" basis at the airport.
  • 4.2 – Access to all benefits and prizes given by SATA IMAGINE shall only be granted upon presentation of the Member card and/or SATA IMAGINE Member number.
  • 4.3 - SATA IMAGINE Members enjoy the following benefits:
    • 4.3.1. – Bluesky | KIDS Bluesky Category
      • – Earn miles every time you fly in the SATA Group and whenever you use SATA partner services. Consult the mile calculator in your personal area (
      • - Issue prize tickets for themselves and also for one or more persons, SATA IMAGINE members, of their choice with 100% of the required miles (10% of the miles for infants under 2 years of age), upon presentation of written authorization from the SATA IMAGINE account holder. See the Prizes calculator in your personal area (
      • - Change, cancel premium tickets and request reimbursement of miles, upon payment of the regulated fee. See Table 1 of this Regulation (
      • - Issue, exclusively online, Cash&Miles tickets for themselves and one or more persons, SATA IMAGINE members, at their choice, using the miles chosen by them on the payment page.
      • – Change Cash&Miles tickets, according to the purchased fare regulation. Check Table A of this Regulation (
      • – Cancel Cash&Miles tickets according to the purchased fare regulation and the regulated penalty, if the ticket has not been used. Check Table A of this Regulation ( Miles are non-refundable after starting the trip.
      • - Upgrade to Comfort Class in exchange for miles. Check the mileage calculator in your personal area (
      • - Buy, transfer or extend miles upon a fee.
      • - Claim your miles up to 12 months after the trip.
      • - Have Bluesky | KIDS Bluesky priority in bookings and check-in, in a waiting list situation.
      • - To have Bluesky | KIDS Bluesky priority in Reserves, in case of being in the waiting list situation.
      • - Prioritize Bluesky | KIDS Bluesky on check-in, waiting list situation.
      • - Have / acquire special benefits (prizes, vouchers) for using the services of SATA IMAGINE partners.
    • 4.3.2 –Silversky | KIDS Silversky Category - All the Bluesky | KIDS Bluesky benefits plus:
      • - Have Silversky | KIDS Silversky priority in bookings and check-in, in a waiting list situation.
      • - Have  Silversky | KIDS Silversky priority on check-in, in waiting list situation.
      • - Silversky | KIDS Silversky priority in boarding flights operated by SATA Group
      • - 20% increase in the Economy Top, Economy Flex, Economy Basic, Comfort Light and Comfort Plus fares in the miles accrued for the performance of a flight operated by the SATA Group, which will be counted as Bonus miles.
      • - Use, when available, the Comfort Class check-in counters.
      • – Fast Track access (in Lisbon, Porto and Ponta Delgada) on flights operated by Azores Airlines.
    • 4.3.3 – Goldsky | KIDS Goldsky Category - All the benefits of Silversky | KIDS Silversky plus:
      • - Have Goldsky | KIDS Goldsky priority in bookings and check-in, in a waiting list situation.
      • - Have Goldsky | KIDS Goldsky priority at check-in, in waiting list situation.
      • - Goldsky | KIDS Goldsky priority in boarding flights operated by SATA Group.
      • - Goldsky's | KIDS Goldsky's priority in the delivery of hold baggage on flights operated by SATA Group.
      • - Before the time of flight / start of flights operated by the SATA Group: change and/or cancel premium tickets and request reimbursement of miles, free of charge.
      • - Prior to the time of flight / start of flights operated by Grupo SATA: canceling upgrades with miles and requesting a refund free of charge.
      • - 30% increase in the Economy Top, Economy Flex, Economy Basic, Comfort Light and Comfort Plus fares in the miles accumulated for a flight operated by the SATA Group, which will be accounted for as Bonus miles.
      • - Access to Lounges with companion on flights operated by SATA Air Açores and Azores Airlines. See Table B, for the Lounges of the SATA Group”
      • - 10 kg more than the baggage allowance on SATA Air Açores regular flights or an additional volume with a maximum weight of 23 kg on Azores Airlines regular flights (Except Simple fares).
  • 4.4 – Besides these benefits and prizes, others may be offered during limited periods, which will be communicated on the website, and/or in other media.
  • 4.5 – Payment of airport fees, fuel fees and all other fees shall be the responsibility of the Member, unless service fee which is always nonrefundable.
  • 4.6 – Upgrades with miles are not permitted in situations of agreements, exchanges, government orders, industry discounts, agent discounts or SATA IMAGINE award tickets.
  • 4.7 – Awards offered and the prerequisite number of miles is regularly published and is made available to SATA IMAGINE Members. via the prizes calculator at Information regarding the prizes can also be requested via Contact Centre and in a SATA sales office.
  • 4.8 –The Organizing Companies may change the prizes and respective miles at any time and without prior notice. Changes will be communicated in accordance with the stipulations in 4.7.
  • 4.9 – Awards tickets can be booked and issued at, SATA Sales Office and at Contact Center.
  • 4.10 - Cash&Miles tickets may only be booked and issued at and through SATA's sales counters and Contact Center.
  • 4.11 - Upgrades with miles may only be reserved and issued at SATA Sales Offices and at Contact Center.
  • 4.12- Award tickets issued on TAP flights can‘t be changed to SATA flights or vice versa, since the amount of miles used depends on the choice of flight is on SATA or TAP.
  • 4.13 - When Members book or request a prize or a benefit, they must state it in advance. Bookings with other applicable fares may not be transformed into prize or benefit bookings. The Organizing Companies may refuse to grant an award or benefit if the Member has already made a booking for a flight or service without expressly having declared that this booking was for a SATA IMAGINE award.
  • 4.14 - Reservations made at least 15 days before departure, ticketing must be completed 12 days after reservations are made. For reservations made within 14 days before the flight booked, ticketing must be completed within 24 hours.
  • 4.15- After the award ticket issued, all changes in reservations shall be subject to an administrative fee. The exception applies when clients do not show to the previously booked flight which will be subject to an administrative fee. These amounts can be consulted here. This facility does not allow the change of route and fare basis.
  • 4.16 – Upgrades to Comfort class with miles redemption, are allowed only on flights operated by Azores Airlines keeping all the conditions applied to the original ticket. Upgrades to Comfort class are only allowed when the reservation is confirmed in the class originally booked, in the intended flight. For reservations made and tickets issued by other companies than SATA Group, miles’ upgrades can only be carried out at airports and within 24 hours until 2 hours prior to flight departure.
  • 4.17 – Changes to booking after issuing Cash&Miles tickets are subject to the purchased fare conditions.
  • 4.18 - There are different levels of redemption for miles to get upgraded to Comfort class. It depends on the original fare of the ticket and the distance to departure where the upgrade is done. To know more information’s about the number of miles needed to upgrade to Comfort class please check the price calculator in your personal area (
  • 4.19 – Reimbursement of the awards and miles will be possible to domestic and internacional flights, subject to application of an administrative fee to Bluesky | KIDS Bluesky and Silversky | KIDS Silversky Members, provided that the ticket has not been used. In case of clients that do not show to the previously booked flight, will be applied a Noshow fee. These amounts can be consulted here.
    • 4.19.1 Miles reimbursed in previous terms pass from status miles to bonus miles.
  • 4.20 – SATA IMAGINE Members who have confirmed their reservations for travel using award tickets and who fail to board without having previously cancelled their reservation will be subject to a specific fee according to published values.
  • 4.21 – Refunds for Cash&Miles tickets are possible as long as the tickets have not been used and the trip has not started. Refunds have several levels, according to the purchased fare. Total refund for Comfort Plus and Economy Top fares, 75% of miles for Comfort Light; 50% of miles for Economy Flex, non-refundable for Economy Basic and Economy Simple fares. Tax values can be checked on Table A of this Regulation ( Miles are non-refundable after starting the trip.
  • 4.22 – The availability of seats for award tickets varies according to the origin/destination pair as well as the date and time of the flight. The number of seats for award tickets is limited even on those flights that are not yet fully booked. Furthermore, Organizing Companies may stipulate other limitations, namely, restricting flights and/or periods for use of prizes (blackout).
  • 4.23 – The prizes calculator referred to in 4.7 indicates the miles required for exchanging award tickets in the economy class, as well as those required for obtaining award tickets in the Comfort service class. It also provides information regarding the miles necessary for upgrading an economy class ticket to Comfort class.
  • 4.24 – Award tickets are valid for one year from the issue date, or one year from the start date of travel if this occurs within one year of issue.
  • 4.25 – Award tickets issued as part of a promotion shall only be valid for the duration of this promotion.
  • 4.26 – To the extent that Organizing Companies themselves render services assigned as prizes within the scope of SATA IMAGINE, Members benefiting from these enjoy the same rights and duties (defined by the General Conditions for Passenger and Baggage Transportation) as any other passenger of the Organizing Companies.
  • 4.27 – Award tickets may only be used by SATA IMAGINE Members, except babies aged from 0 to 2, exclusively.
  • 4.28 – The assigned prizes are personal and non-transferable and cannot be transferred, substituted, augmented, or accumulated. In case of death of the SATA IMAGINE member, accumulated miles can’t be transferred to the account of another member.
  • 4.29 – Regarding the fare component of the award tickets, they are issued exclusively against a debit of miles in the Member account and no other combination involving any other means of payment is possible, excepting a promotion that may be launched for a limited period of time by the Organizing companies.
  • 4.30 - Tickets with miles issued under SATA IMAGINE programs are not eligible for inter-island connecting flights.

  • 5.1 – Miles are the monetary unit of SATA IMAGINE.
  • 5.2 – Each Member will have their personal SATA IMAGINE account where their awarded miles will be credited.
  • 5.3 – Miles can’t be exchanged for their equivalent in money.
  • 5.4 – Miles are obtained as follows:
    • 5.4.1 – For any regular SATA Air Açores or Azores Airlines flight, Members will be credited with the number of status miles corresponding to the class and/or fare associated to the trip they are accomplishing in. accordance with the miles calculator available at
    • 5.4.2 – Miles will be accumulated on flights operated under a code-share system whenever the ticket has the S4 or SP code, regardless of the operator company.
    • 5.4.3 – Members travelling on the Comfort class will be assigned 50% more than the corresponding number of miles stipulated in the calculator of miles for the class and/or fare associated to the trip they are accomplishing.
    • 5.4.4 – On flights operated by SATA will be assigned a reduced percentage of miles to certain fares, as presented on miles calculator.
    • 5.4.5 -Passengers traveling with a Group fare will earn 50% of the miles according to the route they take. These miles will be considered Bonus Miles.
    • 5.4.6 - On flights operated by TAP Portugal may exist some booking classes that are not that are not contemplated with mileage counts in the SATA IMAGINE account. On flights operated by TAP, the extra bonus miles, of the SATA Group fares is not applicable.
    • 5.4.7 – The Organizing Companies may carry out various promotional activities that imply either temporary increases or decreases of miles stipulated in the calculator, as well as miles promotions.
    • 5.4.8 – Accumulation of bonus miles resulting from partnerships that SATA IMAGINE may establish with other companies and entities shall require compliance with specific rules established for each partnership. Members may also be required to join in advance in order to benefit from these partnerships.
    • 5.4.9 Miles transfer according to published values. The amounts paid for these miles are non-refundable.     
      Mile purchases can only be made by telephone to the Contact Center, paying by credit card, or at all SATA ticketing offices, which accept all forms of payment, except by checks. It will only be possible with the presentation of a written authorization from the SATA IMAGINE account holder. These miles are considered Bonus Miles.
    • 5.4.10 – Miles purchase according to published values. The amounts paid for these miles are non-refundable. Mile purchases can only be made by telephone to the Contact Center, paying by credit card, or at all SATA ticketing offices, which accept all forms of payment, except by checks. These miles purchased are considered Bonus Miles.
    • 5.4.11 - Charter flights are not eligible to credit miles because they are not considered regular flights operated by SATA Group.
  • 5.5 – While respecting the norms of this Regulation, the Organizing Companies may offer promotions to only a confined group of Members. Members who are not included in these promotions may not claim the same benefits for themselves. Moreover, the Organizing Companies are not obliged to communicate the selection criteria for the restricted group.
  • 5.6 – Promotions may be disseminated and/or communicated to Members only by e-mail, sms, site and/or Facebook on SATA’s page.
  • 5.7 – Miles will not be awarded for unused or expired tickets.
  • 5.8 – Members must indicate their SATA IMAGINE number when booking and present their SATA IMAGINE Member identification card / number whenever they check in to ensure that miles earned are correctly credited to their account. You will be able to follow your activities in your personal member area at Members must also present the SATA IMAGINE card or indicate their frequent flyer number whenever using the services of the SATA IMAGINE Partners.
  • 5.9 – If, for whatever reason, miles regarding a flight are not credited in the SATA IMAGINE account, Members may request a retroactive credit to their account, up to twelve months after the respective flight, in the following way:
    • 5.9.1 – By making the retroactive request for miles in the personal Member area at by entering the ticket number, that should start with 737,331 or 047; flight number, route flown and fare class. The conclusion of this procedure may take up to 40 days, after which you should confirm if the respective miles were counted by consulting your statement of activities.
    • 5.9.2 – We only accept retroactive requests referred to in 5.9.1. Requests through our contact center and sales offices will not be accepted.
  • 5.10 – The Organizing Companies may not be held responsible for any consequences regarding the non-crediting of miles of a Member account.
  • 5.11 – The miles of Bluesky | KIDS Bluesky, Silversky | KIDS Silversky, Goldsky | KIDS Goldsky cardholders of SATA IMAGINE are valid for 3 years from the date of activity.
  • 5.12 – SATA IMAGINE miles cannot be accumulated with those of other Members in order to obtain a single prize.
  • 5.13 – Miles can only be transferred to the account of another member of this program by paying an administrative fee in accordance with the Table A, based on a written authorization from the SATA IMAGINE account holder.
  • 5.14 – Members can only acquire miles in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Table A.
  • 5.15 – Members can only extend miles under the terms and conditions in Table A of this Regulation.
  • 5.16 – Tickets issued by the Organizing Companies under barter agreements, industry discounts, and agent discounts, routing tickets, or as SATA IMAGINE prizes do not give an entitlement for miles to be awarded.
  • 5.17 – Tickets issued under loyalty programs or other similar programs (e.g. SATA IMAGINE, TAP Miles&Go - tickets with miles) and tickets issued for aviation related employees (commonly known as ID/AD) are not eligible for inter-island connecting flights.
  • 5.18 - The Organizing Companies shall supply account statements whenever SATA IMAGINE Members make this request. As an alternative, Members can access their Member area at in order to consult all their activities at SATA IMAGINE.

  • 6.1 – The Organizing Companies do not accept any responsibilities whatsoever for charges or other costs to which Members may be subject in association with either the benefits or prizes achieved within the scope of SATA IMAGINE.
  • 6.2 – On applying for membership to SATA IMAGINE, Members expressly authorize SATA Air Açores and Azores Airlines to use the personal data stored in their systems exclusively for the purpose of personalizing services, marketing and communication. These data shall be treated confidentially and shall not be ceded to third parties, with the exception of other companies that become part of the Organizing Companies. All Members enjoy at all times the widest access to their personal details and may make corrections or changes, as they consider necessary by accessing their personal area at or by contacting our SATA offices. SATA is not responsible for any loss, theft or abusive misuse of the account, card or awards of the SATA IMAGINE member.
  • 6.3 – Any Member who infringes on this Regulation and other SATA IMAGINE operating rules, or who inappropriately uses the prizes or tries to obtain benefits by making false statements, may have his/her SATA IMAGINE card cancelled along with the annulment of any accumulated miles and/or prizes; this in addition to having to pay compensation for the damages arising from these actions.
  • 6.4 – Prizes which are obtained either illegally or in contravention to this Regulation shall be annulled.
  • 6.5 – The Organizing Companies reserve the right either to change this Regulation entirely or partially at any time whatsoever or to dissolve SATA IMAGINE with reasonable prior notice.
  • 6.6 – Eventual changes or amendments to the SATA IMAGINE Regulation shall be binding to all Members from the date these are disseminated on the SATA website on the Internet.
  • 6.7 – SATA Air Açores and Azores Airlines reserve the right to entrust the pursuit of SATA IMAGINE either to successor companies (in the event of a restructuring of the company’s organizations) or to third parties; and to transfer Members’ contracts to the referred successor companies or third parties for this purpose. Members shall be notified of this fact with reasonable prior notice.
  • 6.8 – SATA IMAGINE´s partners list will be updated on, and will be the one considered for benefits and awards.
  • 6.9 – SATA Air Açores and Azores Airlines reserve the right to modify or extinguish some of the partnerships.
  • 6.10 – The modifications referred in the points above do not imply pre-advise to SATA IMAGINE members.
  • 6.11 - Under article 2 of the present, and with article 6.1 b) of the General Data Protection Regulation, your data (name, email, and telephone contact) will be treated and processed securely and used within the scope of this loyalty program. To exercise your rights as a holder of personal data, please consider the email address

ADMINISTRATIVE TAXESBluesky | KIDS Bluesky | Silversky | KIDS SilverskyGoldsky | KIDS Goldsky
Miles Transfer (Price per 1.000 miles block)€20€20
Miles Purchase (Price per 1.000 miles block)€35€35
Extend miles (minimum of 500 miles, value per mile)€0.02€0.02
Award Tickets Changes (domestic and international flights)Before departure flight€30€0
Changes to Cash&Miles ticketsAccording to the purchased fare conditions.
Award ticket Refund (domestic flights)*Before start the trip€30€0
Award ticket Refund (international flights)Before start the trip€50€0
Cash&Miles ticket refundsBefore starting the trip
  • Economy Simple and Economy Basic Fares - Non-refundable miles.
  • Economy Flex Fare – 50% refund of miles.
  • Comfort Light Fare – 75& refund of miles.
  • Economy Top and Comfort Plus Fares – 100% refund of miles.
After starting the tripMiles are non-refundable

*"Awards", means award tickets and upgrades with miles.     
Note: Miles refund is processed with the initial expiry date (if they are already expired, they will not be returned to the balance).



Service Fee - SATA IMAGINE - Award tickets
Service Fee - SATA IMAGINE - Award tickets
 Inter-islandDomesticEuropeNorth America
Per ticket16EUR/16USD/16CAD25EUR/25USD/25CAD100EUR/100USD/100CAD150EUR/150USD/150CAD

Note 1: In flights to/from Portugal with origin/destination Gran Canaria the Service ticket fee is 50.00€.     
Note 2: On routes between Ponta Delgada and Cape Verde, it must be considered the miles corresponding to Europe.     
Note 3: On routes between Boston and Cape Verde, it must be considered the miles corresponding to Intercontinental.


Miles purchase and transfer:     
All purchased miles will be considered Bonus Miles and the amount paid is non-refundable. Mile purchases can only be made through SATA’s Contact Center, paying with credit card, or at all SATA Ticketing Offices, which accept all forms of payment, except by checks. The transfer of miles will only be possible based on a written authorization from the SATA IMAGINE account holder.


Extend miles:     
Minimum of 500 miles for extention;     
It is only possible to extend miles expiring at the beginning of the following month;     
Valid only for bonus miles. Miles will be extended for 3 years;     
Miles can only be extended through SATA Contact Center, with payment by credit card, or at any SATA Group sales office, with any type of payment, except checks.


It is only allowed dates and timetable changes.     
After departure, the award refunds are not allowed.

Changes to Cash&Miles tickets are allowed, according to the purchased fare regulation.     
Refunds for Cash&Miles tikets are allowed, according to the purchased fare regulation. Except in cases where fare refund penalties are higher than the paid amount. In these cases the ticket is non-refundable.     
Miles refunded according to the levels defined on Table A.     
Miles are non-refundable after starting the trip.
